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Health Benefits of a Clean Home


Health Benefits of a Clean Home

I don’t know of anyone who intentionally has a messy and unorganized home. Work, kids, and life in general can push routine tasks such as house cleaning to the back burner. But there is something about a clean home that just feels fresh and invigorating. Other than these initial feelings that we may disregard, are there any other benefits of having your home cleaned regularly?

Dirty surroundings can have a major impact on our overall health and stress levels. In 2009, a UCLA study found that women with untidy homes had higher cortisol levels than women whose homes were clean and organized. Constant increased levels of cortisol have been shown to increase the risk of depression and even heart disease. A Princeton study also showed that being in a messy environment greatly decreases the ability to concentrate on specific tasks. This inability to focus can lead to mental exhaustion and increased stress.

Unclean environments can also negatively impact your weight. Cornell University set up one clean and one dirty kitchen in 2016. The kitchens were both stocked with healthy and unhealthy foods which 101 women were asked to do taste tests on. The participants in the messy kitchen ate almost 3 times as many calories from the unhealthy foods than those in the clean one.

The reduction of dust, pet dander, and other allergens in your home also has many benefits. The removal of these through regular cleaning is a must for those who suffer from asthma, allergies, or other breathing problems. This is especially true for someone who uses a CPAP machine. The Mayo Clinic stresses the importance of cleaning your machine weekly to get rid of any dust and germs that have collected.

These of course are just a few of the benefits of keeping your home orderly and well-kept. Knowing the difference this can have on your family’s physical and mental health should make it a priority on everyone’s to-do list. Luckily for those without the time or the patience, our trained cleaning technicians LOVE to clean! If you are in or near the Greenville area, allowing Angelic Touch  to professionally clean your home can have massive health benefits in the long run.



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